Friday, 27 April 2012

Bird List

I have no idea if anyone will be interested in the birdlife I’ve seen thus far but it interests me and it’s my blog so I’ve decided I’m gonna put it up anyway. I know that there are a lot of birds missing because it’s a bit difficult to identify birds without a pair of binoculars or a bird book… Thankfully I managed to get my hands on the latter during our stay at a little lodge in the foothills of Mount Kenya and armed with that and the wealth of knowledge from both our guide, Lawrence and our neighbour Daniel, I have managed to put together a list of birds that I’m pretty much one hundred per cent sure I’ve seen. So here it is:

1. Marabou Stork
2. Hadeda Ibis
3. Black Crowned Tchagra
4. Tropical Boubou
5. Sacred Ibis
6. Bronze Mannikin
7. Tawny Flanked Prinia
8. Grey Heron
9. Hammerkop
10. Great Egret
11. Golden Breasted Bunting
12. Baglafecht Weaver
13. Cattle Egret
14. Long-Tailed Comorant
15. Egyptian Goose
16. Blacksmith Plover
17. Red Knobbed Coot
18. Black and White Casqued Hornbill
19. Golden Breasted Starling
20. Common Scimitarbill
21. Red Billed Hornbill
22. Yellow Billed Hornbill
23. Grey Hornbill
24. Trumpeter Hornbill
25. Von Der Deckers Hornbill
26. Helmeted Guineafowl
27. Vulturine Guineafowl
28. Hartlaubs Bustard
29. Ground Hornbill
30. African White Backed Vulture
31. Cape Vulture
32. Tawny Eagle
33. Red and Yellow Barbet
34. Cardinal Woodpecker
35. Mountain Wagtail
36. Pied Wagtail
37. Steppe Buzzard
38. Martial Eagle
39. Augur Buzzard
40. Fish Eagle
41. Barn Swallow
42. Black Rough-Wing Swallow
43. Lesser Striped Swallow
44. Common Bulbul
45. Superb Starling
46. Glossy Starling
47. Red-Winged Starling
48. Dark Chanting Goshawk
49. Pale Chanting Goshawk
50. Black Shouldered Kite
51. Long Crested Eagle
52. Yellow Billed Kite
53. Red Billed Oxpecker
54. Black Headed Oriel
55. Pied Crow
56. Red Fronted Parrot
57. Dove(I decided that’s sufficient because Buster pretty much calls everything a dove)
58. Speckled Pigeon
59. Fan Tailed Raven
60. White Naped Raven
61. Common Drongo
62. Sulphur Breasted Bush Shrike
63. Rock Pigeon
64. White Bellied Go-Away Bird
65. Hartlaubs Turaco
66. Burchells Coucal
67. Rosy Patched Bush Shrike
68. Fiscal Shrike
69. Narinas Trogon
70. Speckled Mousebird
71. Pied Kingfisher
72. Malachite Kingfisher
73. Little Bea-Eeter
74. Cinnamon Chested Bee-Eater
75. Carmine Bee-Eater
76. Magpie Shrike
77. Chin Spot Batis
78. White-Eyed Flycatcher
79. Paradise Flycatcher
80. Lilac Breasted Roller
81. Hoopoe
82. Ostrich
83. Lapped faced Vulture
84. Hooded Vulture
85. Common Rock Thrush
86. Robin-Chat
87. Cape Robin
88. Bronze Sunbird
89. Green Headed Sunbird
90. African Jacana
91. Little Sparrowhawk
92. Banded Parisoma
93. Golden Winged Sunbird
94. Malachite Sunbird
95. Rufous Sparrow
96. Crested Francolin
97. White Headed Mousebird
98. Olive Sunbird
99. Double Collared Sunbird
100. African darter
101. Blue Crane
102. Red-Billed Firefinch
103. Red Cheeked Cordon-Bleu
104. Common Waxbill
105. Variable Sunbird
106. White Headed Buffalo Weaver
107. Red Bishop
108. Black Headed Weaver
109. Amethyst Sunbird
110. Purple Grenadier
111. Common Fiscal
And finally, although the bird book fails to acknowledge that it’s part of the bird species we have seen them almost everywhere, so... 112. Chicken

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