Monday, 7 May 2012


Ladies carrying their produce on the road side

The medieval castles of Gondar

Looking back on the mountainous terrain we had just covered

The private vehicles we shared the road with

 More stunning scenery from the top of a 8km climb
The view of Lake Tana from our little hotel in Bhir Dar

Progressing into the beautiful countryside

Looking down into the massive Abbay gorge-dreading the
23km of climbing that awaited us on the other side

Reaching the bottom of Abbay gorge after descending for
21km and putting our brakes to the test

Looking back up from the bottom of the gorge

After 8km of climbing we had awesome views of the Blue Nile a
nd what we had descended-the white spot in the middle is a
 petrol tanker (gives some idea of the size)

Donkeys making us feel good about our loads

Old school method of ploughing

Chen and Bust amused by the sign

A few roaming caamels

Vultures on the road side devouring a donkey

Stopping to get some bread and becoming the
days entertainment to the inquisitive kids

Chen and Bust climbing up towards Fisehe Genet

Reaching 2000km, another 10 000 to go...

Some of the lush green terrain we past through

Taking a break

Dry terrain leading to more mountains as we made our way to Yabello

More magnificent scenery leaving Mega

Finally some flats as we headed toward the Kenyan border

Beyu-nit injera, pretty much our daily diet

The incredible children who surrounded us every day

One of the locals casually strolling around with his AK47

Taking some time out on lake Tana

Kids assembled as we posed with the remnants of an old tank

Myself and Chen with Addis Ababa in the background


  1. Amazing pictures but I don't fancy your daily diet! I can scarcely believe you've seen so many amazing birds. Tommy has a "Birds of Africa" book so I've looked at a lot of them. I shouldn't be surprised to see how rich the bird life is in that part of Africa - but I am!

  2. wow such amazing pics and info :) have a great ride jimmy my friend, and take care :)
